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Nurturing Growth: Celebrating My Firstborn with Reflections, Parenting Tips, and Essential Feeding Resources to Help You!

Writer's picture: JessicaJessica

Updated: Sep 28, 2024

It's my oldest kiddo's birthday today!

The one who made me a mom. The one who introduced me to the chaos, joy, and wonder of parenthood and changed my world forever. When I look back, I realize how much that tiny, perfect human repurposed my life in a beautiful way, pushing me to grow in ways I never anticipated. It's a constant reminder of all the "I wish I knew then what I know now" moments, the learning curves, and the overwhelming love that’s shaped who I am today. With every new stage of their life, I’m reminded that parenthood is not about perfection but progress. They show me how to slow down, appreciate the present, and embrace the lessons in all the little moments. Here's to celebrating the one who started it all and continues to teach me, every single day.

First Baby H Oldest Newborn Motherhood Parent Mom Life Baby Food and Fun Registered Dietitian

I figured it might be fun to share a tiny bit of our story, plus some parenting tips and tricks that help my family & myself on this crazy parenting journey! Some of those things that we wish we had figured out earlier. Some are feeding related, but many are simply valuable tips and knowledge I’ve gathered along the way! Keep in mind, many of these are specific to my family, but can always be modified to fit your needs as well!

A quick look at my kiddo's first years. Man, what a different journey!:

Baby #1:

  • Started direct breastfeeding --> pumping + direct breastfeeding --> ~2.5 months = added formula into the plan & started combo feeding --> Combo fed via pumping breastmilk & bottle feeding + formula feeding until 5+ months old --> Transitioned to formula by 6 months & started to introduce foods --> Cow's milk ~ 1 year old

    • ~1-2 months, I noticed signs of Postpartum Depression (but didn't recognize it at the time!). It wasn't until ~5 months & the fog cleared a bit that I realized the toll it had taken on my mind actually!

  • Weaning with purees primarily - store bought

  • Baby started sleeping in own crib ~5 weeks old and through the night ~3 months old!

  • Worked full time as a clinical R.D. (this was actually a good chunk of the time I was working in NICU!)

  • Baby went to grandparents house 5 days/week until 10 months old --> Started at daycare at 10 months! Baby would LITERALLY be the first one dropped off, I'd head to work, and baby was always amongst the tail end to be picked up each day.

  • Very different socializing opportunities - many of our friends and others we were associated with did NOT have children. Baby would come with us for fun adventures, but was primarily around adults more often than not.

  • I read to baby. OFTEN. In fact, I was selling books for a little while (lol).

  • Husband travelled occasionally for work, but primarily had both parents at home each night

Reality was though... we weren't all that happy. We were both in jobs that weren't exactly the 'fit' for us, both had long and busy work commutes, waking up at 5:00am and returning at 6:00pm, and our cost of living versus income was somewhat skewed with limited 'fixes' in our circumstance and location... A few things we wanted to change specifically:

  • I wanted to work part time and be with the kids more

  • We wanted 1 acre of land/property

  • Affordable

This list may not sound too crazy, but we tried to come up with a plan for years to make these things happen... During that final year, we realized that we would not be able to achieve these goals without SOME type of sacrifice or change. So we decided to change our geographic location. In this change, the cost of living and our pay ranges adjusted - both to our benefit. This move also changed my husbands career path.

Baby #2

  • We completely changed our life!

  • Husband was now self-employed. He paints large logos, especially on buildings and water towers! His career has him travelling much more often, especially during certain months of the year (like summer!). He may be gone for 1-5+ days each week during the warmest 9 months of the year.

  • I worked PRN, ~1-3 days/week. & actually cut down hours even further in the 2 years following baby's birth. I ended up cutting hours again when the cost of daycare would have obliterated my income and stayed a few days/month for another 2 years before deciding to leave my hospital position and focus on Baby Food and Fun as well as Enderle Designs. This means I am home with baby or my husband is if he's not working! No daycare for this one yet, and baby is now 38.5 months old! (3 years, 2.5 months)

  • It is Baby TWO which means I also have another child to care for still!

  • Decided to Formula Feed Day 1 given my personal mental history and our current social / lifestyle. Baby #2 was born smack in the middle of summertime, aka busy busy busy..

  • Used a combination of Baby Led Weaning & Purees when introducing foods. I focused much more on introducing common food allergens with baby 2 as well. I made a good majority of baby foods.

  • Would ONLY sleep on my chest or my husbands chest during the night, ideally on baby's belly. Co-sleeping became a thing. Baby finally started sleeping through the night when able to roll - we found that baby prefers to sleep on belly.. We spent months of poor sleep compared to the first just based on how this kid likes to sleep...

  • Baby #2 has a whole group of baby friends!! Many of our friends, family, and those around us have kids of similar ages! Different socialization opportunities!

Why judge how another parent ______…??

If you met me with Baby #2, and all you knew was how we have lived with him, you may assume a few things. 'Have you done ANY research- formula fed since day 1 AND cosleeping?!.....' ; 'Not in school yet?' ; 'awe, you made the baby food!', - but you would be missing SO MUCH context as to WHY these choices were made (or not made!). I learned so many things about my desires, wants, wishes as a parent. I learned how to manage more things than I thought I possibly could. I discovered which parts of parenting were especially important to me and which are not. I experienced a bout with mental health. I was working full time. I tried new things while trying to figure out our life. Without my baby 1, I wouldn't have been as confident in my parenting of baby 2.

I do hope we consider that there is often more to a parent's story than meets the eye. Most parents do not just walk into parenthood completely blind... While we may never totally get parenthood right, parents are one group of people I know who tend to do SOME research when they are having a baby.. And just as I shared, some decisions are based on circumstances, prior experiences, etc. And whether their feeding, sleeping, discipline decisions differ from yours or align, we must understand that a parent is doing their best. *& sometimes, those "choices" aren't even choices at all!!

Faces Of Baby Firstborn Silly Infant Registered Dietitian Baby Food and Fun


& Now for a few of those parenting tips and tricks:

  1. When you open formula or prepare food, always write the date on the container! This will help you keep track of how long things have been sitting before being served!

  2. Cluster Feeding is very real for breastfeeding babies, combofeeding babies, and formula feeding babies! That being said, there ARE misconceptions about this tough timeframe in parenthood. The Fed Is Best Organization cover this topic extremely well & showcase when cluster feeding is "normal" and when it may cross the line... Check That Information Out Here! Fed Is Best!

  3. One of the best moments during the first week of my daughter’s life = my parents came over, watched baby, and let me take an uninterrupted nap!  I slept so deeply for ~3 hours and felt SO REFRESHED afterwards! Take that nap or whatever you need, especially early on!

  4. You CAN ask for help!! In fact, you SHOULD! “It takes a village!”

  5. Work on establishing your “village” from the start! Whether it is full of family, lifelong friends, or neighbors you just met- start forming those bonds and building that village!

  6. Take pictures. Take videos. Even if it's "weird". Even if it's 'not according to plan'. One of my biggest regrets so far in parenting- it genuinely is that I have almost 0 pictures of breastfeeding my daughter. One of my best lessons that I brought into my journey with baby 2 = TAKE. THE. PICTURE.

    1. She was born when pumps still had to be plugged into the wall and we were all justtttt kind of getting over "being weird" about breastfeeding as a society.

  7. Start Introducing Common Food Allergens once you are starting solid foods! You don't need to (and shouldn't!) avoid these foods.

    • Not sure what those common allergens are?! - click here!

    • In fact, the ONLY food you should unanimously absolutely avoid before age 1 is honey.

  8. Really struggling to calm baby down or keep your toddler from destroying everything in sight?!  Nature and water always do the trick!

    • Take baby outside!

    • Try a bath!

    • Fresh air, sunlight, and water can do amazing things! In some ways, we are kind of like super fancy houseplants if you think about it lol

  9. Kindness and empathy can go a longgg way.

  10. You CAN feed your baby based on a plan that works for you and your family. You can exclusively breastfeed. Exclusively formula feed. Or a whole variety of options in between. Do what is best for your family!

  11. Every stage is temporary.

  12. Write things down! Write reminders! Mom Brain is very real This seems to worsen as the kids have gotten older and hit me HARD when we added our second kiddo.

  13. Extra tip:  In my Google Calendar, I put reminders for myself for extra busy moments in the year!  This includes things like a yearly reminder before school ends, “get teachers gifts!” as well as personal reminders, “this x time period is very busy for us” so I can prepare a bit better!

    • **Our personal crazy busy times = February (dance competition time!) + May (end of school/start of summer!) + Mid- July (W’s bday + summer + busy season of work) + Last Weeks of August (starting school & activities + still in busy season!) + Last Weeks of October. Leaving myself a reminder during these timeframes has been incredibly helpful!!

  14. Just like your kiddo is learning and growing, so are we as parents! We face new challenges on the daily that we have never experienced before, & it is ever changing. Be gentle with yourself and keep that reminder in mind! You are doing your best and learning along the way!

Maybe one of the most important things I've learned along the way though?

There will always be someone who does not agree with your parenting choices or style. You don’t have to be everyone’s cup of tea.  Just the best possible tea for your child! 

Shop Baby Food and Fun For Food Puns, Stickers, Magnets, and Feeding Resources! Parenting Tips Resources Insights Practical Parenthood
"You Are Tea-riffic" Sticker: Baby Food and Fun Shop

Practical Tools, Tips, & Resources: A few ways you can find feeding support here!

  1. Magnets for Convenience:

Our shop offers a range of practical and adorable magnets designed to simplify your daily parenting tasks. From magnetic meal planners to customizable storage time/temperature guidelines, these magnets can be placed on your fridge, serving as handy reminders and keeping you organized during the hectic days of parenthood. Don't miss our fun food puns, motivational notes, & holiday specials as well!

  1. PDF Files for Easy Access:

In this digital age, having information at your fingertips is crucial. Our shop provides a variety of informative PDF files that cover topics such shopping lists, feeding schedules, checklists, and more!. Easily accessible on your devices, these files are a valuable resource for busy parents seeking quick and reliable information.

  1. Infant Formula Comparables Chart:

Choosing the right infant formula can be a daunting task with numerous options available on the market. To assist you in making an informed decision, our shop offers an infant formula comparables chart. This comprehensive chart organizes each brand based on nutritional and protein make up, making it easier for parents to select the one that aligns with their baby's needs. Complete with a 'terms to know' section to help you along your way!

  1. Stickers & Custom Clothing

  2. Pre-Recorded Masterclasses

    1. Freedom From Guilt, Bottle & Formula Feed With Confidence

    2. Fearlessly Introduce Common Food Allergens

  3. LIVE Masterclass

  4. 1:1 Formula Feeding Support

Freedom From Feeding Guilt Formula Bottle Masterclass Promo Registered Dietitian Baby Food and Fun

Storage Guidelines for Formula, Breastmilk, & Food!

Wondering how long a bottle of breastmilk can remain at room temperature? Confused about how long prepared infant formula can stay in the refrigerator? Not sure about the storage guidelines for breastmilk and formula?

Take a peek at a recent Instagram Post + Check Out Our Shop For Resources!!

Yes You Can Formula Design Support Feeding Baby Vinyl Graphics Sticker Magnet Custom Baby Food and Fun Registered Dietitian Enderle Designs Shop
"Yes, You Can" Formula Milk Graphic - Baby Food and Fun


Parenting can be so hard. Confusing. Overwhelming. Difficult, Scary.

Let's end with 10 affirmations for those difficult days. Those tough moments.

Take a breath & repeat after me <3

  1. I am a capable and loving parent.

  2. Each day, I am learning and growing as a parent.

  3. I trust my instincts in caring for my baby.

  4. It's okay to ask for help; I am not alone on this journey.

  5. I am creating a safe and nurturing environment for my family.

  6. I celebrate the small victories of parenthood.

  7. My baby and I are forming a strong bond every day.

  8. I am resilient and can handle the challenges that arise.

  9. I release any guilt and focus on the positive moments.

  10. I am a loving and nurturing presence in my child's life.

Remember, every parent and baby are unique, and the most important thing is to create a positive and nurturing environment for both yourself and your baby during feeding times. You deserve joy. You deserve peace.

You are doing a wonderful job!



Thank you for your support and love in this space! It means more to me than you will ever know.

I truly enjoy sharing this information and I hope you find the information provided valuable. If you do find this information helpful, I kindly ask that you consider sharing - via social media, word of mouth, email, etc. I would love to help support as many out there as I can! <3

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Thank you again for giving Baby Food & Fun, LLC a place to grow and flourish, just like our kids :)

Jessica Enderle, R.D., L.D.

Enderle Family Picture | Baby Food and Fun | Parenting Tips Resources Insights Practical Parenthood | Photo by Jenna Fisher Photography


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