Whether you are exclusively formula feeding or just bridging a gap in your breastfeeding journey, one thing is absolutely clear..
We FINALLY are and will be seeing more and more formulas available on store shelves.
FINALLY!! Something extra good coming from this infant formula shortage crisis.
Not only are we seeing our usual formulas more consistently in stock, but we have new friends coming to join too!! Check out a few formulas that will be hitting Target store shelves soon! (if they haven't already in your area!!)

A few Key Features & Facts:
First U.S. based company to be FDA approved, beyond those typical formula manufacturers we know in the USA (Similac/Abbott, Enfamil/ Mead Johnson / Reckitt, Gerber / Nestle, Perrigo (Store Brand and Bobbie).
ByHeart is one of its kind - they also own their entire manufacturing process! From the farms to the shipping facility. ByHeart owns it.
Considered a Standard Formula
Certified Organic and a Clean Label Project Purity Award option
Kendamil Goat, Classic, and Organic Infant Formula

A few Key Features & Facts:
Kendamil has been around for quite some time, originating in the UK! They have over 60 years of experience in the formula world.
Considered to be a "Standard Formula" - Kendamil Classic has a whey/casein breakdown of 58/42. (Remember, human breast milk is ~60/40)
Kendamil Goat = one of the very first goat's milk formulas to hit the market in the U.S.!
Kendamil Goat Formula may be tolerated better than a cow's milk based standard infant formula due to the A2 proteins
Bobbie Organic Infant Formula & Bobbie Gentle

A few Key Features & Facts:
Bobbie Organic Infant Formula and Bobbie Organic Gentle Infant Formula available
Bobbie Organic Infant Formula is considered a Standard Formula with a protein split of 60/40 (60%whey/40%casein)
Bobbie Organic Gentle is considered a Partially Hydrolyzed formula with some of the cow's milk proteins broken down for easier digestion.
Certified Organic and a Clean Label Project Purity Award option
Bobbie Gentle is one of the very first formulas to offer Lactose as the primary sugar source in a partially hydrolyzed formula! (compared to vegetable/plant based syrups/sugars). Lactose = main sugar in breastmilk as well
Baby's Only Organic Gentle and Original

A few Key Features & Facts:
Baby's Only / Nature's One was recently acquired by Bobbie
Baby's Only Organic Premium Infant Formula is considered a Standard Formula
Certified Organic and a Clean Label Project Purity Award option
Baby's Only Organic Gentle Infant Formula uses A2- beta-casein proteins (those types found in Goat's milk and/or specific cows!) to aid in easier digestion.
Many of these formulas will be found in various stores and location across the USA! Target stores will be carrying a whole variety of formulas, for example! Some other formula brands that you can expect to see on many Target store shelves:
Earth's Best Organic
Happy Baby Organic
Aussie Bubs
Store Brand (Up & Up)
It's almost crazy to think that just under 2 years ago, at least 4-5 of these options listed, would not have been options available. Sometimes, I get caught up in my formula choices. But then I remember... I DIDN'T have these new and awesome options available. In fact, we had to hit rock bottom before we were able to make them an option across the country. But now that they are here, the game has been changed. Forever.