February 4-10, 2024 is Feeding Tube Awareness Week!
Here are 10 quick facts about Feeding Tubes and this method of feeding and nutrition!
Anyone across the ages can use a feeding tube if it is warranted. From premature infancy to elderly and all in between.
All formulas are made to meet the nutritional needs of the intended user. An adult formula will meet an average adult's needs. An infant formula will meet an average infant's needs. Sometimes, specialty formulas are used to meet needs if needed. Sometimes, we add modular supplements to the plan to meet nutrient needs (an extra protein, fiber, vitamin packet, etc.).
Formulas can vary based on caloric / nutrient density, medical use and indications, amongst other factors!
Feeding tubes can be used temporarily or on a more permanent basis.
Some with feeding tubes rely on formula for their sole source of nutrition. Some with feeding tubes get nutrition through a combination of formula and eating by mouth.
Common types of feeding tubes include Nasogastric (NG), Gastrostomy (G), Jejunostomy tube. The type of tube used is based on medical condition, length of time the tube is needed, and can change throughout a feeding journey.
You can use a feeding tube to provide nutrition, hydration, and medications.
Nutrition can be delivered via feeding tubes on a variety of schedules - continuous (formula runs at a low rate, majority of the day), intermittent / nocturnal (formula runs for a large chunk of time and/or overnight, but not necessarily majority of the day), bolus (larger amount in one sitting over a short amount of time).
Nutrition via a feeding tube can be called or referred to as "enteral nutrition".
~438,000 people in the United States are managing a feeding tube at home (adults and children)

When I truly started learning about infant formula, THIS is one fact that stood out to me. It was truly like a lightbulb went off in my head! The similarities between infant formula & a tube feeding formula for an adult are countless.
A few similarities?!⤵️
Meet nutritional needs to sustain life❤️
Carbohydrate Sources
Protein Sources
Fat Sources
Variety of reasons for need / use
Options vary based on medical condition, nutrient needs, tolerance, and plenty of other factors🍼
Manufacturers and key stakeholder companies (@abbottglobal @nestleusa @katefarms are really the main adult formula manufacturers 👀🤔)
The only differences I see? 🧐👀⤵️
1 age group is pretty publicly shamed for formula use. So much so, this is often referred to as “poison” or “toxic”☠️
@functionalformularies @realfoodblends @medline offer blenderized / Whole Foods options- something not as commonly offered or available for infants / young children.
Tailor made for specific age groups. - nutrient amounts and breakdown vary based on the age of the intended user
When we start to view infant formula in a more similar light to a feeding tube formula for an adult, it is easier to lose that toxic MINDSET and recognize formula for what it is- a life sustaining, nutritional resource.
And maybe, just maybe.. it will be easier to shake those moments and fears of judgement, shame, guilt. Maybe, we can just spread thanks for that life instead..? 🤷🏼♀️
Current Formula Shortages
We are approaching the 2 year mark of the Abbott / Similac Infant Formula Recall, and while infant formula stock has improved, we CONTINUE to see issues across the board when it comes to formula availability and formula feeding. Below is a current snippet of formula stock issues we are facing in my hospital system. These issues and availability concerns remain nationwide. And with even LESS players in the game of adult formula production, this area continues to be hit HARD. Those who need and rely on these formulas... well, they NEED and RELY on them! Maybe the scariest part to me..? My hospital formulary is primary Nestle products. Meaning that hard hit from Abbott directly - we are a byproduct. We continue to see these shortages and issues across the board. and enough is enough.

A few top resources and support places with it comes to nutrition via feeding tube =
The Oley Foundation (https://oley.org/ )
Feeding Tube Awareness Foundation (https://www.instagram.com/feedingtubeawarenessfoundation/)
ASPEN (American Society of Enteral and Parenteral Nutrition ; https://www.nutritioncare.org/)
Feeding Matters (https://www.feedingmatters.org/ )
Happy Feeding Tube Awareness Week!
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