This Blog posting is a bit different than most of mine, but I am so excited to introduce my new Masterclass and Group Program, I couldn't wait to share!
"Fearlessly Introduce Food Allergens"
This Masterclass will be a 1 hour course, hitting on all the main and important things you need to know as a parent when it comes to introducing food allergens!
& the best part?!
This class is currently, FREE
In addition to this FREE COURSE, I'll be offering a free "Food Allergens Checklist" to assure that each allergen is given often! You will also get a free copy of my "Food Allergens Shopping List", directly listing some great (and infant safe!) foods and products that can help expose your little one to those common allergens!

Think this Masterclass sounds like something beneficial for you?!
Hit this link, Scroll to Register, and Fill out the quick form!
Feel Free to Forward this to others who may benefit as well!
Following this Masterclass, I will be launching my full
"Fearlessly Introduce Food Allergens" Group Program!!
This program will be a more in-depth journey, lasting 12 weeks, to ensure food allergy introduction success!
Overall course length: 12 weeks (modules available for review for up to 20 weeks from purchase)
Included in Course/Program Set Up:
Online Course Modules - Each module is broken down into a topic/food allergen. The modules are more in-depth than what I am able to cover in Masterclass, looking at topics such as reading food labels, sample recipes, nutrient breakdowns, etc. These modules are self-study and can be performed at your own pace. (Don't worry, they are simple and fun!). You will have access to this course and modules for 6 months from your course purchase date.
Group Zoom Calls - 3 group zoom calls (1 per month over the initial 12 weeks since course purchase - you will be emailed a link and dates for these calls!). During these group calls, we will present additional information/new research updates/relevant information regarding food allergens! These calls will also serve as a space for you to directly ask questions and bounce ideas and thoughts off of others in the group!
9 "Fearless Friday" emails which include additional recipe ideas, feeding tips, parenting reminders, and motivation.
Access to our "Fearless Food Allergen All-Stars" Facebook Group - you will have lifetime access to this group as long as you desire. This group will be a great place of support for each other and a space where all can share their journey, fun ideas and recipes, etc. This group will also serve as a space where we at Baby Food & Fun, L.L.C. can provide additional recommendations, recipe ideas, fun challenges, motivation, and food allergen updates as a whole!
Monthly Reflection Survey (x6 months) - This survey will provide a quick moment to reflect on what food allergens (and foods in general!) have been served to your kiddo and which foods still need checked off! It may spawn some additional meal/recipe ideas too!
Facebook Chat Availability during specified office hours (twice/month), in the initial 12 weeks following course purchase- get quick answers to those quick questions!
Our surprise "Fearlessly Introduce Food Allergens" Welcome Package! This will be mailed to you within 2 weeks of course purchase. This package will have fun goodies and love! <3
Does this Program sound like the perfect pairing for you?!
Get in on that Early Price Special Now!!
Keep your eyes peeled for a Coupon Code, coming today! OR Fill out this form below, so I can connect with you and get you that discount!
Coupon valid until 6/18/23 for $300 off the total program!!
And for reading all of this - here is a ridiculous picture of my daughter as a crab :)

Thank you all for being here with me. Baby Food and Fun, L.L.C is just getting started!
- Jessica Enderle, R.D., L.D.