I hear this question & concern often..
“Doesn’t it take away the good in ‘xyz’ if I’m just adding ‘something considered bad’ ?
In short.. no.
You cannot erase nutrients from the meal, just because you added something deemed “unhealthy” to it.
In every circumstance, broccoli can provide great Vitamin K, Vitamin C, Fiber, Folate, etc. The broccoli did not just decide that today you get no Vitamin K, simply because you dipped the broccoli in full fat Ranch Dressing.
Sometimes, adding a dip or a sauce to a food, especially vegetables, can totally transform the experience for your little one. I mean, dips and sauces transform foods for me! I can just imagine how mind blowing dips and sauces actually are to our little ones.
At the end of the day, I’d argue that instead of taking away the good, you are adding even more. Am I saying that we should drown every vegetable we ever eat in full fat Ranch dressing or that rich and creamy cheese sauce? Well, no. That probably is not exactly the best plan. But, if my child will only eat broccoli if I add cheese...
Your kiddo may or may not EVER eat broccoli plain. & that’s okay!
I prefer certain veggies, served in certain ways too!

You aren’t failing.
In fact, you are thriving.