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Welcome Sesame, to the Top Common Food Allergens Crew!
Sesame officially becomes #9 on the "Most Common Food Allergens" list as of January 2023. This means that any food product containing sesame will need to indicate that specifically on the food label. You should start seeing, Contains: Sesame, soon on food labels!
Sesame is a seed, used in a variety of foods across the board. It is very commonly used in baked goods, sushi, snack foods, vegetarian burgers, and even processed meats/sausages.
Fast Facts
Foods Included:
Sesame Seed, Sesame Oil, Sesame ___, flour, paste, oil, salt, etc.
Tahini, Tahina, Tehina
Breads/Baked Goods, Bread Crumbs
Cereals and Snacks (granola bars, chips, crackers, pretzels, etc.).
Vegetarian Burgers/Meat Substitutes
Commonly used in Greek, Middle Eastern, and Asian cuisines.
Other Names Commonly Seen In Ingredient Lists, associated with Sesame:
Sesame ____: seed, oil, flour, paste, salt, etc.
Benne, Benne seed, Benniseed
Sim Sim
Tahini, Tahina, Tehina
Quick & Easy Ways To Expose:
Add Hummus to foods​​
Add to chicken, fish, purees, vegetables, crackers, toast, etc. ​
Offer Hummus as a dip
Random Facts & Tips!
January 2023 marks the official start of Sesame being included on the "Common Food Allergen List" which also means Sesame will clearly be labeled and shown. You will likely become more familiar with this food and its sources when you start seeing it labeled more often.